Performance 日历



黛博拉Wingert began her training at the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet under Marcia Dale Weary 和 became a scholarship student at the School of American Ballet in New York. At the age of 16, she was selected by George Balanchine to join New York City Ballet. During her 15 years with the company, Ms. Wingert danced over 25 principal, solo, featured roles in productions that include Balanchine’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 葛蓓莉亚, 俄耳甫斯, C大调交响曲, 珠宝, 谁在乎?, Stars 和 Stripes, 《esball世博》, The Four Temperaments, Mozartiana; Jerome Robbins’s 音乐会Antique Epigraphs, Peter Martins’s The Sleeping Beauty. A principal 和 soloist with numerous nationally acclaimed companies, her film 和 television credits include George Balanchine’s 《esball世博》 (Time-Warner), PBS Great 表演: Dinner With Balanchine; 跳舞 in America: Balanchine — Serenade 和 Western Symphony; Peter Martins’s Concerto for Two Solo 钢琴s; 和 Live From 林肯中心: A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

As one of a small group of artists selected by the George Balanchine Trust to set his choreography, Wingert she has traveled throughout the United States, setting 和 staging the Balanchine repertoire for Butler University, Indiana University, Baltimore School for the Arts, Joffrey Ballet Chicago, Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, 举几个例子.

Wingert is currently head faculty at Manhattan Youth Ballet. She has been a guest instructor for many companies 和 schools including Princeton University, Harvard University, University of California Santa Barbara, 跳舞 Theater of Harlem, Jessica Lang 跳舞, Kyle Abraham: AIM, 萨拉索塔芭蕾舞, 和芭蕾舞相遇, 和钢琴曲. She joined the Juilliard ballet faculty in 2017.

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